"Motivational: Mottos to Live By"
I'd like to share with you some mottos and quotes that I live my life by. These words have raised me up when I was on the ground. "Stay...
"You Are What You Feed Yourself"
You cannot change your output without changing your input! Watch what you see and what you hear. This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT...
"Above All, to Thine Own Self Be True"
Being true to myself has took me to AMAZING places. I wanted to be a singer, while my parents insisted that I become a nurse so that I am...
"Thinking Traps"
There are several thinking mistakes that we made. These are almost like deceptive equivocation caused by the flaws in words and phrases....
"My Experience: Handling Distress and Anxiety"
My Situation It has been 3 days since I moved into my new apartment from the psychosocial rehab. I no longer have staffs and nurses...
"Catching Your Thoughts--The First Step to Changing Your Thinking"
Recovery. This is not just a "hope", but it is what "will happen". You will recover, and you will recover faster than you think. Changing...
"5 Benefits of Honesty"
There is a reason why honesty is considered an important value by many cultures and religions. I always thought that when God commands us...
"3 Regrets You'll Have In The Future If You Don't Take Action NOW"
10 years from now, you will regret not for the things that you did, but for the things that you didn't do. As child abuse survivors, we...
"6 Different Breathing Exercises: The Fundamentals of Mastering Your Thoughts and Feelings"
Breathing Exercises: Why? I cannot stress enough how IMPORTANT the breath is. When we are anxious, our breathing changes. We breath...
"My Experience: 10 Months Into Healing Full-Time"
This is not a diary of someone who IS GOING THROUGH abuse, or who JUST GOT AWAY from abuse. This is a diary of someone who has went...