"Optimism and Hope"
The Role of Attitude
During the research involving air traffic controllers, it was shown that the anxious are more likely to fail the test even if they have higher intelligence scores!
Recently, I watched the movie, “Unbroken”. After Louis’ plane crashed during the war, he miraculously survived with two friends and they spent 47 days on a lifeboat. One friend was pessimistic. He kept on saying, “We’re gonna die out here.” and so did he, because he did not have hope. Meanwhile, Louis, who remained positive, survived along with the other friend.
The number of worries that people report while taking a test directly predicts how poorly they will do on it, no matter the time they spent studying and their IQ.
Effects of Positive Emotions on Our Brain
For coming up with creative solutions to an upcoming problem, use a good laugh before you start!
Our emotional brain is directly connected to our logical brain, and our emotions directly affect our thinking and intelligence!
People with more hope do critically better in achieving their goals. Believe that you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.
And Remember This:
Optimism is how people explain to themselves their successes and failures. Remember: both the winner and the loser fails. But the winner is the person that tries again after the failure.
OPTIMISM AND HOPE–like helplessness and despair–CAN BE LEARNED!! So let us remain optimistic and hopeful regarding this issue!
photograph by: Connor Gabriel (http://connorgsg3.wix.com/benevolent#!gallery/ck0q)