"Coping With Triggers"
A trigger is anything that sets off PTSD symptoms or substance use.
Seeing a crack vial, hearing sad music, hearing a loud noise. Anything can be a trigger. You may spiral into a dark, sad place; you may start reaching out for the drugs you are trying to withdraw from; you may start trembling or having an anxiety attack.
Here is a simple instruction on how to cope with triggers when they happen!
Change WHO, WHAT, and WHERE when triggered:
1. WHO
Detach from unsafe people (dealers, users, abusers, unkind people). Move towards safe and positive people. Call your support worker, a friend, or a family member. Make sure that this person is a healthy, positive person that treats you well. Talk about how you are feeling, or discuss "light" topics to distract yourself.
Switch to safe activities. Try reading, TV, calming music, exercise, taking a walk, or doing a hobby. Keep busy in general by having a structured schedule that focuses your attention away from triggers.
Change your environment. Changing the environment has a way of changing our state of mind. It is very simple. Find a safe place by leaving the room, the area, or the neighbourhood. Take a drive or a walk, change the TV channel, throw out the drug accessories.
It is important for us when we are triggered to remember that this may have nothing to do with the present. The intense emotions from the past may be brought up. Once you recognize it, half the battle is won.
Comment below on 3 triggers that you have, and what you will do next time you are triggered, using the WHO, WHAT, WHERE tools! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!