"Complex Trauma"
Complex trauma: Children's exposure to multiple traumatic events and wide-ranging, long-term impact of this exposure. These events are...
"Funny Youtube Channels"
We need humour in our lives. We need some laughter and fun in our lives. We all do! Laughter really is the best medicine--as it has to do...
"5 Truths You Must Step Back and See"
1. Sometimes walking away is a step forward. Sometimes a break from your routine is exactly what you need. Do something different. Find...
"8 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Sleep"
1. Make Your Room Cool Our body temperatures drop when we sleep. Don't sleep with a heavy comforter. 2. Make Your Room as Quiet as...
"Mentors and Role Models"
Mentors and Role Models One thing that every extremely successful people have in common is that they all had great mentors and role...
"Things I Must Do Every Single Day"
I vow to do these things EVERY SINGLE DAY. No exceptions. Get up at 4am Morning before 6:20am -Lumosity brain workout -Read something...
"Do the Impossible"
"I wanted to try the impossible and show that it can be done." -Terry Fox Everything is impossible until somebody does it. The first...
"Preparing for Nerve-racking Situations"
The brain cannot tell the difference between a real event and an imagined event. That is why imagination is so powerful. We can prepare...
"9 Brain Facts: The Power of the Mind"
"The Potential Of The Human Mind Is Subject To, And Limited Only By, Our Individual Beliefs or Un-belief As To Whether We Can Accomplish...
"Idea: Choose Your Body Language, Choose Your Emotions"
I have an idea that I'd like to share with you. The Theory of Body Language Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) suggests that thoughts...