"5 Tips For Learning to Trust People"
As survivors of child abuse, we may find it hard to trust people. We make pre-assumptions based on our trauma/abuser from the past and we...
"Simplicity: The Key To Life"
"There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." Leo Tolstoy Life is not complicated. WE are complicated. Be...
"8 Ways to Manage Worries and Negative Thoughts"
Have you ever stopped to notice how much time you waste worrying and having negative thoughts? Rumination is constantly replaying or...
"Leverage And Productivity"
It is important that, to be successful, we must focus on ONE thing that we want to be good at. We cannot get a lot done if we have too...
"7 Ways To Motivate Yourself For Your Commitment"
We set goals. We plan on a ritual to do soemthing everyday to reach that goal. But goals are nothing without action. In order to really...
"I'm Possible"
My father was extremely abusive. I have horrifying memories of him abusing me physically and emotionally pulling me into HELL. I remember...
"8 Simple Must-Do's To Reach Your Dreams"
Are dreams hard to follow? No. They aren't. What is hard is taking actions that will get you towards your dreams. Do you feel damaged? Do...
"7 Famous People Who Suffer From PTSD or Borderline Personality Disorder"
Are you ashamed of talking about your mental illness and struggles? First of all, let us stick to the fact that it is NOT your fault. You...
"2 Situations Everyone With Childhood Trauma Should Prepare For"
While we deal with our childhood trauma, it is important for us to stay SAFE. It is important that we do not cause more hurt, pain, and...
"5 Places To Start For Breaking The Family Abuse Cycle"
History shows that adults who have been abused as a child are far more likely to become abusive. What I'd like to stress is that NOT ALL...