"Simplicity: The Key To Life"
"There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth."
Leo Tolstoy
Life is not complicated. WE are complicated. Be simple. Stick to the rule of simplicity.
If you don't like something, then don't do it. If you love, then tell. If you want something, go get it. If you need, then ask.
It is that simple.
And the important thing to simplicity is for us to keep our lives simple by eliminating unnecessary clutter or aspects that take up our mind and our time. Lighten your baggage to maximize your productivity in life.
1. Friends
You don't need many acquaintances, you need a few friends. Friends that encourage you and make you feel good about yourself. Try to choose your friends instead of letting just anyone to walk into your life. Raise the rent and stay close to people who motivate you and push you towards your dreams!
2. House/ Rental Space
If you are renting a place that is bigger than what you need, you are wasting your money on something that is not being used. Only buy what you need.
3. Possessions
Make a habit of going through your possessions and getting rid of things that you haven't used in the past year. Give them out to the charity. When you are buying something, ask yourself, "Is this something I WANT, or NEED?" We think that we need a lot of things, but when we get down to it, we don't need all the things that we think we should have. Products with Brand Names, new car, expensive jewelry? Stop buying things to impress the wrong people and you'll find the satisfaction you are looking for!
4. Goals
Make your goal into a single sentence. If you have a vision you would like to achieve, write it down in a simple sentence. Then FOCUS on that goal. Do not sway to the left or the right, adding more branches that may lead you to losing your vision you had in the first place.