"8 Ways to Manage Worries and Negative Thoughts"
Have you ever stopped to notice how much time you waste worrying and having negative thoughts? Rumination is constantly replaying or obsessing over negative situations like a broken record. Your mind rehearses the scenes of what led to the horrible breakup or what you should have said to your boss. Even when things are going well, we tend to focus on one negative thing that happened in our day.
1. Identify the Thought or Fear
What is the fear that underlines the repetitive worry? What are you afraid might happen? Talking to someone may help find out the root of the problem. Journalling can also be a proactive way to get to know and monitor your thoughts.
2. Think About the Worst-Case Scenario
We can often handle the worst-case scenario, which takes away the power of the thought! Ask yourself these questions:
- What is the worst thing that can happen?
- Can I handle that? / Have I handled it before?
3. Let Go of What You Can't Control
If it is something that you can change, by all means set goals to change it. But if it is something you cannot control, let go.
4. Look at Mistakes as Learning Opportunities
"The quickest way to find success is to fail over and over again." If you fail, you learn what to do better next time. Failure is a forward movement. It is nothing you need to be afraid of!
5. Schedule a Worry Break
Schedule a worry break for 10 to 15 minutes to worry. Write down all the things that you are worried about. When you are done, see if you can come up with solutions or things that you can do for each situation. I've read in a magazine that people who do this are 60 to 70% less likely to become clinically depressed. When you are worrying, you can say that you are going to leave it until your worry break.
6. Mindfulness
When we are worrying and stuck in our thoughts, we miss our present moment. We are not here anymore. Practicing mindfulness will help us get grounded to the present and bring ourselves back to where we are.
Here are some ways to practice mindfulness.
- Describe what you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel in words.
- Think about the tip of your nose! This works!
- Think about your feet on the ground. Feel your feet on the ground and tap the ground if you need to.
7. Exercise
Exercise can distract us in a helpful way. Exercising produces the happy hormones endorphins which will take us to a different state of mind.
8. Try Therapy
If rumination is interfering with your life, seek out professional help. Counselors can teach you and guide you through learning your skills and techniques to better your life.