"4 Things People Believe About Mentally Ill People That Aren't True"
I believe that the stigma around mentally ill people needs to be changed. Years ago, cancer was something that nobody talked about. They...
"Strategies for Emotional Intelligence"
www.cnvc.org is a site that that offers tools and skills of Nonviolent Communication that we can use to communicate effectively with...
"Empathy and Emotional Intelligence"
Empathy and sympathy are two completely different words. Empathy is understanding you own or others' feelings. Sympathy, on the other...
"Self Motivation and Emotional Intelligence"
We all have setbacks or discouragements. Our abilties to get ourself back on track, keeping the fight, and moving forward is so important...
"Self Regulation and Emotional Intelligence"
How we feel affects our physical response, and it affects how we think. We have the ability to change our physical response which can...
"Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence"
Here is a good news: Nobody has the power to make you feel a certain way. YES! NOBODY! It comes from the trigger and your past...
"The Art of Distraction"
When my therapist started teaching me about ways to distract myself from my overwhelming feelings, I used to think that distraction is...
"The Importance of Self Compassion"
Compassion We all know this word, yet unfortunately not many of us have been using this amazing tool for ourselves. Why aren’t we as...
"The Blogger Trulee's Story"
I would like to share my life with you, for those of you out there who are going through similar things or those of you who have friends...
“How to Ride on the Surges of Intense, Negative Emotions”
1. Check Your Daily Mood Balance To improve overall well-being, balance out: if you have more negative moods in the day than positive,...