"9 Brain Facts: The Power of the Mind"
"The Potential Of The Human Mind Is Subject To, And Limited Only By, Our Individual Beliefs or Un-belief As To Whether We Can Accomplish A Thing Or Not. Human Mind Power is evidenced in the fact that we always get to be right" -Chuck Danes
1. We choose what we do 2-4% of the time
96 to 98% of the time we do not choose. Our subconscious mind controls what we do.
2. But! We can choose what we feed ourselves. What we feed ourselves forms our subconscious mind.
What we see, hear, feel.
3. The brain cannot tell the difference between a real event and an imagined event!
Tip: practice facing anxiety-provoking situations in your imagination.
4. The brain can perform 10 000 000 000 000 000 operations per second.
5. The brain keeps developing until our late 40's.
6. With every breath, (the moment before you inhale), your brain has the capacity to learn something new.
7. Violent homes have the same effect on children's brains as combat on soldiers.
8. The brain treats rejection like physical pain, according to scientists.
9. When you learn something new, the structure of your brain changes.