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"4 Habits That Go a Long Way for Achieving Your Goals"

Photograph by: Connor Gabriel

1. Follow a Morning Ritual

Every morning, have your own morning ritual that you follow EVERY SINGLE DAY. Starting your day great this way will make the rest of your day great. Consistancy is one of the most important things in achieving your goals. If you only do things when you are inspired, then you're doing it wrong! You must set goals and follow that rhythm even when you don't feel like it.

2. Focus on the Activity

When taking action to work towards a goal, have you ever noticed that your mind is 50% focusing on thoughts for the future such as "I need to achieve my goal by next month", "What should I do after this?", "I must finish this", "I must get there!"? You cannot be 100% productive of the time you spend on the activity if you are 50% focusing on something else! Mindfulness!

3. Get Enough Quality Sleep!!

This one is a biggie for me! If I don't get enough sleep, I don't think clear, and I cannot get myself to get work done as productively as I would when I get enough sleep. Time management does not have to do with managing time, it has to do with managing your productiveness and your energy. (Click here for more on time management)

The basic needs are essential. Getting quality sleep, eating healthy food, drinking water, and exercising.

4. Celebrate Your Daily Achievements

Take 3 minutes of your time at the end of the day to go over the things that you got done and achieved today. You can do this in a journal, prayer, or even while you brush your teeth.

The most motivating thing for humans is progress. There is nothing that can motivate us like when we see that we are making progress. So make sure you celebrate every little thing, because those little things are what will come together to make you extraordinary.

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