"What Is Abuse?"
What Is Abuse?
Abuse is any behaviour or action that is used to scare, harm, threaten, control or intimidate another person. It can come in different forms; physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, financial, or spiritual. If you are trying to decide whether or not a situation may be abusive, simply look at the person’s intention behind their action. If the person’s intention is to do any of the above, you may be at risk for abuse.
An abuser uses threats and violence to gain power and control over someone else. Often the abuser blames the abuse on the victim. A parent may tell her child that she is punishing the child and thus make the child feel guilty, never questioning the abuse. Remember that abuse is the abuser's fault. Abuse against you isn't your fault. The abuser has issues in their own mind and needs help.
If after reading this post you are in doubt whether you are being abused or not, reach out for help. Find a counselor that will help you in your journey. The service is free of charge in Canada.
Physical Abuse
- Breaking your things or threatening to damage your property
- Shoving, slapping, punching, kicking, spitting, burning, biting, pulling, dragging, confining, witholding of food and or medical attention
- Threatening or hurting you with a weapon or ANY object
Emotional/Psychological Abuse
- Any act that provokes fear, diminishes dignity or sense of worth, intentionally inflicting psychological trauma
- Humiliation, intimidation, overly sarcastic comments, yelling, insulting, name calling
- Threats to harm self or others
- Inappropriate expressions of jealousy, brainwashing, dominance, degradation, possessiveness, control over daily activities, social isolation
- Constantly criticizing or blaming
- Constraining you from contacting family or friend
Sexual Abuse
- Any unwanted or forced sexual activity, including touching and intercourse.
- Denying the use of protection during intercourse
- Withholding sex and demeaning you sexually through jokes, and sexual accusations.