"Resources for Help"
Some people ask me, "Why didn't you reach out for help when you were going through abuse?"
This is a great question.
When I was going through abuse, I had no idea that help was available in the community. I had no idea what kind of help was out there waiting for me to reach out for. If I knew that there was help that would ultimately change my life, I would have avoided further abuse and would have started my recovery much earlier. Please read this carefully if you are/have been abused, whether from parent, spouse, or other people.
You might think "my situation isn't that bad", and that it is not worth getting help, think again. I used to think the same way, and when I talked to the professionals much later, they told me that I went through "severe abuse". It is important that you reach out for help because the consequences of abuse is immense. You may feel right now that you will get through it no problem, but it WILL affect your brain in a way that you will have to spend A LOT of time later to undo the damage.
To find out if you are going through abuse, check out "What Is Abuse?"
1. Counselling
According to google, counselling is: the skilled and principled use of relationship to facilitate self- knowledge, emotional acceptance and growth and the optimal development of personal resources. The overall aim of counsellors is to provide an opportunity for people to work towards living more satisfyingly and resourcefully.
Remember that professional counselling is different from counselors at school!
I have great experiences with counselling. It is almost like having a friend who is skilled at making you feel accepted and validated, and is always on your side!
I see my counselor once every week. A session can be 1h to 2h depending on the day. I can talk about any issues that I am facing and get professional advice and help with them. A counselor has access to many different resources. The rest of the resources that follows have all been introduced to me by my counselor.
2. Group Therapy
You can do therapy with a counselor one-on-one. But what's more effective is joining a group therapy program.
Studies show that those who did therapy in groups with people facing similar challenges recovered substantially faster than those who did it alone.
Therapy is the most effective treatment for many mental illnesses including Personality Disorders and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
3. Support Housing
Support housings provide affordable living space for those that are in need. There are support housings for those suffering from mental illness, for youth, for single mothers with children... You name it. There are lots of organizations out there that are striving to lend you a hand. It is a good idea to talk to a counselor before applying for a support housing, just to make sure that it is a safe and professional one. I am staying in a psychosocial rehabilitation place for $515/month---this includes food, shelter, and support from staff. I have never felt this safe and peaceful in my whole entire life before, and these people are taking great care of me. Help is out there, believe me!
4. Income Assistance / Person With Disabilities
Do you find that you break down randomly at work? Are you ruminating too much, or too anxious that it interferes with your work?
I've been there.
While you are focusing on your recovery, you can receive financial assistance from the government. Apply for income assistance, and if you can, Person With Disabilities. The latter will give you more support, but there are certain requirements for it to go through.
5. Police
Have you gone through abuse and have not reported it?
You ought to, as abuse is not just a crime against you but it is a crime against the country!
Please report the abuse you went through, so that it will be brought into the light and delt with as an issue of the whole society. This is also for your own benefit. It will help you with your feelings of guilt and self-blame. The police may bring up charges for the abuser, and they will make sure that you are safe.