"You MUST Believe That You Can Overcome"
Can We Recover From Child Abuse? Completely?
I don't know who you are, but if you clicked on this title and ended up on this page, I know that you want to heal from the consequences of child abuse that you went through.
The consequences are immense. Disastrous relationships, self-harm, addictions, trouble trusting, mental illnesses, eating disorders, loss of faith......
If you are like me, you know that the consequences cannot be labeled merely into few words. It affected our thought processing, reactions, emotions--our whole being.
But there is a good news!
Not just partly change, but COMPLETELY. You can INDEED become the person that you want to be.
There are scientific AND statistical evidence that supports this.
Do NOT listen to those voices that tell you that you are stuck, you are a victim, and you will have a miserable life.
Even if it is YOUR voice!
Here are the reasons why you MUST believe that you CAN overcome.
1. You will only overcome it if you believe.
Believing is the first step. It will start to change your brain physically.
I know that it seems hard to do. But you know what? There is no trick to it.
Just believe. Just. believe.
2. If you don't believe, you will regret.
Believing does not just end in your mind. It will affect where you will go, what you'll achieve, and who you will become. Are you willing to pay the price for not believing in yourself? Are you willing to look back on your life years later and wonder "what it would have been if..." ?
3. Believing is taking care of yourself.
It is important that when we have relationships, that our friends/families believe in us. They must encourage us so we can grow and shine. Now, just as it is our duty to believe and encourage one another, believing in yourself is YOUR DUTY for yourself! YOU are the closest friend that you will ever have. Do not severe this relationship. Do not what you FEEL like doing, Do what IS BEST for YOU! You MUST believe in yourself if you want a successful life!
The Danger of Not Believing SOMETIMES
Bring out that ingenous self from inside you. And start believing that you CAN.
I remember declaring that I believe I can overcome it, but still having moments of despair where I was certain that I'm completely incapable of achieving what I wanted. This is a trap. It will never get you where you want to go to if you keep this habit. You might be at this stage. If you are, keep reading.
Here is the Tip. I'd like to share with you this PRECIOUS TIP that will turn your life around.
If you can't believe it, then make yourself believe it.
Here is the HOW part:
Kill your negative thoughts.
When you think that you can't do it, literally think about throwing the thought out.
Do not believe your thoughts--thoughts are NOT facts!
If you suddenly have a thought that says, "I'm scared of my future. Here are the potential disasters that can happen.... ladadadada", Don't let that negative voice to keep on talking! Cast it away! And replace it with a positive thought. At first the positive thought may seem untrue and unbelievable.
DO IT ANYWAY. This is the process of making yourself believe it. In time, you won't be doubting the positive thoughts like you do now. Every time you do it, you will be reinforcing the belief.
Go on and start taking active steps! You cannot get to the top of the infrastructure unless you ACTIVELY start taking the steps one by one!
You heard it!