"How To Mend Broken People?"
We see people that are broken, and that can't seem to get themselves out of their brokenness. An example: We see homeless people who have severed their physical and mental health through years of lack of care--and they don't seem to get out of it--Are they broken? Or are they breaking themselves? Or even unable to heal their own wounds because they physically lack the function that is needed to do the job---abnormalities in the chemistry of their brain? Do they lack the will to get out of the misery they experience? Are they actually helpless?
The foundation for their brokenness lies in their POOR MENTAL and/or EMOTIONAL HEALTH. This is why it is SO important for us to pay attention to our mental/emotional health.
Poor mental/emotional health has its many causes. This includes past experiences, genetic factors, and habits.
For us to have a good, healthy life, we must take care of our mental health just as we take care of our physical health! Reach out to professionals, read books, and practice! I believe that there is a need for education in emotional and mental aspects of our lives. We have Physical Education in grade school--why not Emotional/Mental ed?
Some people are broken yet they do not realize their brokenness. Thus they lack the consciousness for change. It just doesn't appear to them that their situations can get BETTER. However, once they realize THEY'VE GOT TO CHANGE, they can, change. Help is available: Social workers, counselors, and therpists are there to help you whichever city you live in.
When our relationships are broken, I recommend checking on our relationships with ourselves. This means: Are you taking care of your mental/emotional health? Have you learned how to do it?
If your answer is no, it is time you use your resources to improve your life significantly through taking care of yourself.
Here are some ways to start! :
1. Call a local mental health ministry and ask to speak to a counselor
2. Examine your current relationships and whether they are building you up or pulling you down
3. Take time every day to do something that gives you pleasure
4. Examine your habits: communication habits, behaviour, addictions (You can get a significant amount of help with these things from a counselor/therapist)
Broken things don't have to remain broken! And so it is with us. Take the time out to take care of yourself and you will see a SIGNIFICANT CHANGE in every area of your life.